Friday, August 10, 2012

Beauty-More than Skin Deep

Genesis 1:26Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Psalm 139:13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb

Good Morning! Yes, this is a picture of me-raw and unedited just as I am.  Woke up this morning-right out of bed; ZERO makeup on.  Do I feel vulnerable sharing this with you? Yes.  But I felt I needed to share it with you to so maybe you could hear me a little clearer today, as it is a slightly heavier subject.  

Now dont get me wrong, I'm not trying to confuse you with my message today.  I love makeup-I love fashion.  It is my career.  But they are merely tools to help us express our personalities and to enhance our natural beauty.  All Too often we hide behind them.  And it's not just hair, makeup, clothing we hide behind.  What do YOU hide behind? 

Beauty is NOT only skin deep.  God looks at the heart: 

Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

We need to learn to love ourselves RAW, just as we are.  Just as our Father created us and just as he loves us. We need to be confident that our inner beauty will shine through.  Confident in our own skin.

Proverbs 3:15 She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.

Song of Songs 4:7 You are altogether beautiful, my darling, And there is no blemish in you.

Do you see yourself, and love what you see? Love who you are?  Do you know your worth? That your Heavenly Father the King of Kings created YOU in his image and when he looks upon you he LOVES what he sees? I can honestly say I do.  I am confident with or without makeup on.  I feel beautiful.  I feel confident that my heart and my soul shine through.  And then I know that with THIS understanding it is ok for me to wear makeup and trendy clothes, because I DONT need them to hide behind.  It is fine for us to have fun and talk about fashion and trends-in fact God wants us to delight in these things, and it is very important to care for the earthly bodies God has given us.  But we need to take care of the beauty of our hearts as well. 

PsaIm 139:14 praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 

And when it comes to relationships.  Do you allow yourself to be vulnerable with those you love? Your family, your friends, your spouse? I feel so blessed in knowing that my husband knows my heart, he sees me for who I am, raw, with all my flaws and still loves me.  Because he is a Godly man and he values me for who I am in Christ.  

I challenge you to confront your "Cover" your "Defense"-whatever it is YOU hide behind.  Go all natural today! Love the skin your in! Will it be difficult? Yes.  But worth it.  

Please take the time to reread this post, really let the words be heard.  This is a message from God.  He loves you.  And thank you for taking the time and reading this through.


  1. This is so beautifully written and so true. I really loved reading this today! Sometimes we forget about this...

    1. I agree! Thanks a bunch for your feedback! =]
