Wednesday, September 26, 2012

DIY Beauty Secrets of Lemons

John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

It is important for us to wash away and cleanse our physical beings.  Did you know that lemons are an awesome "At Home" remedy to a lot of your beauty needs? In fact I use lemons daily in my beauty regime.  Our fridge is always stocked. The high amount of vitamin C in lemon juice makes an effective and safe skincare remedy.  Helping to treat acne, reduce redness and brighten and even skin tone. Lemon juice also helps oily skin because of its astringent properties, and helps to heal acne marks because of their antibacterial properties.  With more acne medications hitting the market, some people have begun paying exuberant amounts of money to treat their acne. Some medications cost hundreds of dollars per month, so these treatments can be out of many people’s price range. You can make your own revitalizing solution from the comfort of your own home. Lemons have been used for their health qualities for years.  You can try this just on your face, or you can use to treat other areas on the body.  It can be used as a chemical exfoliant for elbows, knees and ankles. This will leave your skin fresh, beautiful and glowing.   

  1.  Exfoliate your face using a gentle facial brush moving upwards in a circular motion.  Do this on dry (clean, no makeup) skin.  The purpose of exfoliating is to remove all dead skin build up so that our product, in this case lemon, can penetrate deep into the skin tissue and really work so that you can see amazing, fast results.  This step needs to be done about 3 times a week in the morning.  
  2. Wash your face with an antibacterial facial cleanser.  Daily, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.  
  3. Apply a mask after cleansing 2-3 times a week.  There are all different kinds of facial masks, so make sure that you purchase, or make one at home that fits your specific skin care needs.  If you like, I can help you with that.
  4. Use the lemon in place of/as an astringent by slicing the lemon in half and squeeze half the lemon onto a cotton round.  And applying generously to your skin.  You can put the other half of the lemon into a Ziploc baggie and store in the fridge.  This step should be done twice a day, in the morning and evening.  This may sting a bit at first if you have sensitive skin, but remember it is for a good cause.  
  5. Once lemon is completely dry, apply repair lotion and or facial cream to entire face and neck.
The lemon should be worn under makeup during the day as well to protect skin.  It will also keep working to improve your complexion through out the day.  And also should be worn through the night.  Here are a few other DIY beauty recipes using lemons you might want to try:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Football Food

Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare.  They are consumed in twelve minutes.  Half-times take twelve minutes.  This is not coincidence.  ~Erma Bombeck

(American) Football season is here! And I don't know about you, but one of my favorite things about gathering to watch a game is the food. Here are a few different easy recipe ideas for your next football party.  

This link has a ton of different crock pot recipes from BBQ, to homemade soups and dips.  I love this because It can be prepared ahead of time and everyone can leisurely help themselves.  It is easy, and I love the warmth and comfort these types of foods bring.  

300 crockpot meals!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Kissed The Girls and Made Them Cry-Must Read!!

"God cries to this generation, Even Now! When everything looks so hopeless, and you feel so dirty and helpless.  Even Now! When everyone else has failed, and everything you've tried has disappointed you...I will not.  Even Now!  When it looks as though it is already too is not!  Return to Me with all your heart.  The battle has always been for the hearts of women, and God is asking for your broken, bruised, and wounded heart." -Kissed The Girls and Made Them Cry

Kissed The Girls and Made Them Cry is an amazing Love story between you and your prince charming, Jesus Christ. Written so well by Lisa Bevere. This book is geared towards young women, women in general and mothers, but I believe EVERYONE men and women alike can gain and learn so much from reading this book. Please humor me and pick it up! I promise it will not be easy to set down.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jiselle's Testimony

2 Corinthians 4:16-18  So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

September is national Suicide and Self harm awareness month.  Did you know:

  • Every 14.2 minutes someone in the United States dies by suicide.

  • Nearly 1,000,000 people make a suicide attempt every year.

  • 90% of people who die by suicide have a diagnosable and treatable psychiatric 

  • disorder at the time of their death.

Today I want to tell you, if this is you or someone you know, THERE IS HOPE!!!! And that hope is found in our Lord Jesus Christ.  We live in a fallen world.  Here life is not pretty, it's not always fun.  As human beings, sin is of our nature.  Only Jesus is perfect.  Here people will hurt you, they will betray you.  That is just the ugly truth.  But if we are Christ followers we have ETERNITY to look forward to.  And that life will be PERFECT! Now, following Jesus will not take the pain away, but it can make it better.  There is HOPE!  Do not be ashamed or afraid to seek help, or confront a hurting friend.  This is a real, serious issue and SHOULD NOT be taken lightly.  

Deuteronomy 31:8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

One of the most amazing women I know is my sister, and one of my dearest friends, Jiselle.  The fact that she is alive today is an absolute MIRACLE!  Please take the time to read her testimony below, she has taken the time to write this out to share with all of you.  Knowing her, hearing her testimony just proves how big God is, and shows just how much he loves Jiselle, just as he loves me and he loves you. I hope this gives you as much hope and comfort as it gives me.  God has promised to NEVER leave us, not forsake us.     

Jiselle- "As I entered that court room, bedazzled in an orange jumpsuit and silver handcuffs, I realized that something needed to change.  I listened to sentence after sentence given out to the criminals before me and I understood that there was so much more for me.  But I didn’t know where to start.  I didn’t know what change looked like and I definitely didn’t know what it meant to move on from my past.  I was stuck in a rut, dug by the world around me and I so faithfully buried myself in. 

Let me tell you a story; the story that explains but does not excuse; the story that led to me-sitting in a jail cell-as numb as the concrete blocks that held me in and the iron bars that covered the windows. 

The abuse started when I was just thirteen years old.  I was a seventh grader trying to figure out where my place was in this world.  They didn’t know. They didn’t know that they could hurt and damage me so badly.  They didn’t know how fragile and innocent I was.  They didn’t know that the words, the rumors, the lies, the assumptions, and the touches could bury hatred so deep in my soul.  But what does that matter?  It didn’t stop them when scars carved by my own hand began to appear on my arms.  It didn’t stop them when I told them no.  It didn’t stop them when I refused.  By eighth grade I had started to experiment with drugs and alcohol.  I was consistently self harming and thought that love was found in relationships.  People in my life began to die and I saw grief everywhere I turned. 

Freshman year rolled around and I was determined to make things better.  God reappeared briefly in my life and I had sudden hope.  But by the end of the year, my much older boyfriend had taken advantage of me and the lies of my past were engrained into my mind.  Sophomore year-I was the wild party girl.  I had no limits and I truly believed that I was invincible.  I was suffering from PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-and I didn’t know how to handle the pain.  Counseling was of little help.  I was running away and housing myself in shady places.  I was addicted to several drugs including marijuana, prescription pills, and tobacco and I was participating in criminal activities.  What did I think of love?  There was no such thing; it was a fictional concept that could never truly be found in this world.  In fact, I deliberately denied the love the God and my family was extending me, because there was so much shame and guilt that consumed me.  Death was all around me and I pleaded with God to be next because the self-harm wasn’t enough and I was desperate to end my life.  I ended up in the psychiatric hospital on two separate occasions and returned home with a feeling of numbness.    

And so there I was, sitting in a jail cell staring at the fuzzy reflection in the mirror, wondering, “How did I get here?”  I applied to a Christian, residential, counseling program called Mercy Ministries, but ended the application process before it could truly begin. 

It was one specific moment, when everything changed.  My whole world turned right side up for once.  I had just taken a pregnancy test only a few weeks earlier, and it had turned out positive.  I was eight weeks pregnant-what a surprise-what next dramatic thing was about to occur?  I was so tired of the pain, the frustration, the sorrow and bitterness in my life and I couldn’t control the tears pouring down my face.  I opened a bottle of pills and ran them through my fingers. I tasted the powder residue on the outside and felt my heart tear into a million pieces.  “God, why me?  How did I get here?  There is nothing left for me!”  I contemplated ending it all right then and there.  But I felt an incredible passion for the tiny baby inside of me that I could not yet hear, feel, or see. And at that moment I told God, “If I’m going to do this, then I’m going to do it right.”  You see, at that moment, I CHOSE LIFE

I reapplied to Mercy Ministries and after an incredibly grueling application process, I was accepted in-free of charge.  I worked through the most difficult memories of my past, and allowed God to give me back some of the memories that I had forgotten.  I forgave, loved, and let myself be loved.  I chose to parent my baby after working through a basic decision making course where I weighed the options of parenting and adoption-but most of all, I learned how to hear God’s voice and took His direction.  I lived and breathed by faith.  I realized that I am a new creation in Jesus Christ…”Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow” –Isaiah 1:18.  “My beloved spoke and said to me ‘Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me.  See!  The winter is past; the rains are over and gone” –Song of Songs 2:10-11.  I learned that HE paid the ultimate price to save my life and give me eternal freedom in the Kingdom of Heaven.  “But HE was pierced for OUR transgressions, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities; the punishment that brought US peace was on HIM and by HIS wounds WE are healed”-Isaiah 53:5. 

I graduated within three months (the average is six) and was nine months pregnant when I left my home of Mercy Ministries.  I returned to my incredible family of Christ followers who embraced me with love and acceptance for my decision to parent my baby. 

So where am I now?  I’m living at home with my parents, baby sister (who’s almost 17) and my incredible eight month old son named Jayden John Thomas.  I am working full time and starting nursing school this winter.  My ultimate dream is to work as a flight nurse (the nurses on the emergency helicopters) so that I can dramatically save lives the way God saved mine.  I am a youth group leader for seventh grade girls and am constantly pursuing my prince charming, Jesus.  I am not working towards the Kingdom of Heaven, but rather, I am living IN it.  Of course, I am not perfect, and I fall short of the glory of God every single day…multiple times…but He throws my sins behind Him and never looks back. "
This is my precious nephew, Jiselle's son Jayden.  Jiselle is an incredible mother and God's love shines in and through both Jiselle and Jayden.  Jayden is such a happy little boy.  

 If you want information on Mercy Ministries, where Jiselle stayed, or would like to donate to help their cause, please visit their website at

Monday, September 10, 2012

8 Minute Workouts

These are two of my favorite workouts.  Both are fairly easy.  You will not use up a ton of calories; this is not cardio, but you will see results quickly in terms of muscle tone. Both workouts are just 8 minutes long.  

The first is targeted to work the abdominals

The second your glutes

Friday, September 7, 2012

How To Make Your Lashes Look Incredible Without Falsies

Falsies can be a hassle and tedious to apply.  Let me tell you how you can get that "falsies" look just using mascara and liquid eyeliner. 

  1. First You need to make sure that your lashes are clean and dry so that your makeup adheres well.  I would recommend using an eye makeup primer as well.  I do not use an eyelash curler, but if you do, now would be the time to do so.
  2. Apply a single coat of mascara to your top and bottom lashes working the wand back and forth from the root out.  For most dramatic look use black.  I like Covergirl Lash Blast Volume Mascara in Very Black.   
  3. Apply eye shadow to eye, lining inner rim of lower lash line with a white or silver metallic eye shadow with a makeup brush.  This helps your eyes to appear wider.  
  4. Use a black liquid eyeliner to line your lash line on upper lid only.  Create two separate wings coming off the outer corner or lash line.  Applying eyeliner in this fashion will make lashes look fuller and longer.  Also elongating the lash line outward will help to open up your eyes helping them appear larger.    
  5. Apply a second coat of mascara, again, working the wand back and forth from root out on both upper and lower lash lines.  
What are your thoughts? Please leave me a comment and let me know if this was helpful to you. Thank you! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Venison Steak Taco Recipe

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well" -Virginia Woolf

This is my Venison Steak Taco Recipe: 
This makes 4 tacos that are high in protein and low in fat.  Venison is a very lean meat.  Also the spices used help to boost your metabolism.  Apologies if some of the measurements and directions are a little vague; I don't follow recipes, and this is one I made up.  


  • 2 medium size venison steaks
  • 1/4 cup water
  • half a lemon
  • 1 tbsp Tabasco sauce
  • seasoning for meat: cayenne pepper, chili powder, celery salt, pepper
  • 1 small chopped up onion
  • 4 flour tortillas
  • a 16 oz can of re-fried beans
  • a 16 oz can black olives
  • lettuce
  • tomato
  • shredded cheese
  • salsa
  • sour cream
Extras If you would like to add them:
  • guacamole
  • Mexican rice
  • corn
  • green olives
  • chipotle sauce
  1. To ensure really tender meat, I begin slow cooking the steak in a small crock pot about 7 hours ahead of dinner time.  So for example: dinner is at 5:00pm, I would start the steaks at 10:00am.  You do not need to defrost the meat, just put into crock pot with a 1/4 cup of water, to keep moist, and turn on high.  Keep an eye on the meat through out the day.  Once the pink coloring has left the meat you can begin seasoning.
  2. To season the meat, squirt in half a lemon, 1 tbsp tabasco sauce, add in the onion, cayenne pepper, chili powder, celery salt, and pepper as you see fit. Again, keep an eye on the meat through out the day stirring as necessary.  The steak will eventually begin to shred as it becomes more tender.  you may need to take a fork and gently pull a part once that happens.  
  3. About 30 min before dinner will be served you will need to prepare the other ingredients for the tacos.  You will need to cook the re-fried beans at a low setting stirring occasionally.  Also if you wanted to add Mexican rice to your tacos that would need to be made at this time as well.  
  4. Turn oven onto low and put the 4 tortillas into the oven on a baking stone to warm them up a bit before serving.  Make sure you do not turn the oven up too high, or else your tortillas will get too crispy.  We want soft, warm shells.  
  5. Chop up your tomatoes and olives, and have salsa, sour cream, cheese and lettuce prepared to add onto tacos.  Also any other ingredients you would want to add prepared at this time.   
  6. once everything is set and beans are heated-serve!  I usually spread the beans onto the shell first, then add the meat followed by all the other toppings.  Enjoy!

If you try out this recipe, let me know how you liked it! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Charlotte 714

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Below is an excerpt from the wikipedia definition and reading of the Pledge of Allegiance-please take the time, click on the link above for further reading.  

The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an expression of loyalty to the federal flag and the republic of the United States of America, originally composed by Francis Bellamy in 1892 and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942.[1] The Pledge has been modified four times since its composition, with the most recent change adding the words "under God" in 1954.
Congressional sessions open with the recital of the Pledge, as do government meetings at local levels, and meetings held by many private organizations. It is also commonly recited in school at the beginning of every school day, although the Supreme Court has ruled on several occasions that students cannot be compelled to recite the Pledge, or punished for not doing so.
According to the United States Flag Code, the Pledge of Allegiance reads:[2]
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The 2012 Presidential elections are quickly approaching.  We need to be ready and well educated so that we can do our part as citizens of The United States Of America and vote a God Fearing leader into office.  Our nation claims to be a Christian nation; founded on Christ.  But we are quickly moving away from God and forgetting our roots.  Does your faith, your morals and beliefs play into how you vote?  Please take the time to read this article (link below) written by Michael Brown from Townhall Magazine.  This article is very well written and should stir something inside you, as it did me.  Thank you for taking the time to read.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cute Ways To Style and Wear Short Hair

I have a shorter, asymmetrical inverted bob, and a lot of times people/clients ask me, as a stylist, do you get bored with your hair that short? How many different ways can you style it like that? Well to answer that question: I have so many options that I definitely do not get bored, and today I want to show you some fun, different ways to style and wear your hair short.  
The most obvious way to wear a short cut is all down.  I wear it with a bang which helps to give it a different look, a little edgier, and sometimes I do without the bang and that is a completely different look.  I have highlights in my hair which helps to create depth and give a slightly choppier, more layered look when my hair is straight.  To create the straight look, When my hair is wet I spray in a root boost, (I like Big Sexy Hair), and use a round-brush to style which helps create volume.  I part my hair very far over to the left side and I blow dry my bangs and hair forward to create the heavy bang.  Then I take my flat iron through just a few pieces to create different textures.  Finish the style with a shaping wax, (I like bead head shaping wax), tease the top a little and spray with hair spray to set style.  For the curly look everything is the same except I use a 1/4 inch curling iron all the way through, alternating directions to give a more natural look, and using a 1/4 inch wand in the front to help keep the length looking a little longer.  To keep the bang I curl the front towards my face.  Finish my scrunching with your shaping wax and spraying with hairspray to finish look.  
Another thing you can do is add a head band or other hair accessories to immediately spice up and change your look.  You can try it with straight or curly hair.  I wear mine with bangs, or you can put your bangs back using a headband Like in the picture below.  You can use bobby pins to pin your hair into an updo, giving the illusion of long hair. as seen in the following pictures. I also like clip in accessories like flowers.  

Another way to change up a short hair cut is to play with different methods of pinning your bangs back. (As shown below) I like to wear the front "poof" or "Pompadour"  to keep my bangs back.  When doing this look, tease bangs and pin hair straight back with bobby pins that make an "X" shape.  Also I like to do braided bangs and twists.  When doing this use bobby pins that are pushed in towards your braid or twist.  I wear this with curly, straight or wavy hair as seen here.  To get the wavy look use a three barrel curling iron, a 1/4 inch wand, or you can use a flat iron and rock it back and forth moving down the shaft to create a wavy look.  Finish by spraying bang area with hair spray. 
A fun way to create the illusion of length and break away from the traditional look of the bob is to wear your hair half up.  I wear mine with or without bangs which also gives two new, different looks.  I tease back and pin the hair in the back.  I wear both curly and straight depending on what I feel like that day, or what goes best with my outfit.
Here are a few more creative ways to wear your hair half up. 
I am in love with the short pony! super cute! You can wear with bangs, without, braid your bangs to change it up.  Tease crown area and pull into low pony tail.  

Hair extensions are always an option to create length as well.  Quite a few of my clients have clip in extensions which give you the opportunity to wear your hair both short and long.  Giving much more variety and leaving you fascinated with your hair instead of bored.  Short hair also draws more attention to your face giving you the opportunity to really play up your makeup.  

Follow me on Pintrest-My board "Hair" has a ton of tutorials on styling short hair.