Thursday, January 3, 2013

A New Year!

For a lot of us a new year means a new you!  We are all making new years resolutions and desperately trying to follow through with them.  

This year, my new years resolution is to go deeper into my relationship with Christ.  To know Him more as my lover, my heavenly father and my friend.  To really seek Him, so that my life may reflect Him, His love, and bear fruit.  I am making sure I set aside time daily to hear from Him in quiet time, to read His word and hear what he is saying to me and teaching me.  And I am also trying to stay on track with living a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy and exercising, like most of you I'm sure. 

What is your new years resolution? 

Looking over your past year of 2012, what are the things God has blessed you with? What are some hardships you have faced?  Remember that Jesus wants to teach us, love us and meet us where we are at through the good and the bad. Sometimes it is through our hardships that he can teach us the most, and really draw us into Himself. 

What are you looking forward to in 2013?  Have you asked God to bless this next year of your life?