Wednesday, September 26, 2012

DIY Beauty Secrets of Lemons

John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

It is important for us to wash away and cleanse our physical beings.  Did you know that lemons are an awesome "At Home" remedy to a lot of your beauty needs? In fact I use lemons daily in my beauty regime.  Our fridge is always stocked. The high amount of vitamin C in lemon juice makes an effective and safe skincare remedy.  Helping to treat acne, reduce redness and brighten and even skin tone. Lemon juice also helps oily skin because of its astringent properties, and helps to heal acne marks because of their antibacterial properties.  With more acne medications hitting the market, some people have begun paying exuberant amounts of money to treat their acne. Some medications cost hundreds of dollars per month, so these treatments can be out of many people’s price range. You can make your own revitalizing solution from the comfort of your own home. Lemons have been used for their health qualities for years.  You can try this just on your face, or you can use to treat other areas on the body.  It can be used as a chemical exfoliant for elbows, knees and ankles. This will leave your skin fresh, beautiful and glowing.   

  1.  Exfoliate your face using a gentle facial brush moving upwards in a circular motion.  Do this on dry (clean, no makeup) skin.  The purpose of exfoliating is to remove all dead skin build up so that our product, in this case lemon, can penetrate deep into the skin tissue and really work so that you can see amazing, fast results.  This step needs to be done about 3 times a week in the morning.  
  2. Wash your face with an antibacterial facial cleanser.  Daily, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.  
  3. Apply a mask after cleansing 2-3 times a week.  There are all different kinds of facial masks, so make sure that you purchase, or make one at home that fits your specific skin care needs.  If you like, I can help you with that.
  4. Use the lemon in place of/as an astringent by slicing the lemon in half and squeeze half the lemon onto a cotton round.  And applying generously to your skin.  You can put the other half of the lemon into a Ziploc baggie and store in the fridge.  This step should be done twice a day, in the morning and evening.  This may sting a bit at first if you have sensitive skin, but remember it is for a good cause.  
  5. Once lemon is completely dry, apply repair lotion and or facial cream to entire face and neck.
The lemon should be worn under makeup during the day as well to protect skin.  It will also keep working to improve your complexion through out the day.  And also should be worn through the night.  Here are a few other DIY beauty recipes using lemons you might want to try:

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